Breaking Down Barriers,

One Line of Code at a Time

My Story

Once upon a time (okay, it was just a few years ago), I was a copywriter drowning in client work and desperately searching for a way to scale my business without cloning myself. Enter AI – my savior and nemesis rolled into one.

I quickly realized that while AI had the potential to revolutionize my work, it also threatened to strip away the very thing that made my writing special: my voice.

That's when I had my lightbulb moment. What if I could teach AI to write like me? Better yet, what if I could help other entrepreneurs do the same?

Fast forward through countless late nights, more coffee than I care to admit, and a few existential crises about robots taking over the world, and here we are.

My Mission

I'm here to help you:

  • Harness the power of AI without losing your unique voice

  • Scale your business while maintaining that personal touch your clients love

  • Navigate the tech world without drowning in jargon or turning into a Silicon Valley clone

Why Work With Me?

  • I speak fluent Human and AI (and I'm pretty good at translating between the two)

  • I believe in using technology to enhance creativity, not replace it

  • I have a strict "no BS" policy when it comes to tech talk

  • I'm committed to ethical AI practices that put humans first

When I’m Not AI Wrangling…

You can find me:

  • Tangling with yarn instead of code as I attempt to crochet, embroider, and watercolor my way to creative genius (spoiler: the AI thinks I should stick to tech)

  • Trying out new coffee shops and rating them based on Wi-Fi strength, pastry selection, and pickle availability (yes, pickles for breakfast is a thing)

  • Alternating between rom-coms and horror novels, because nothing says 'well-rounded' like swooning and screaming in the same reading session

  • Scrolling through my phone, but plot twist – I'm probably learning to code, not watching TikTok (okay, maybe a little TikTok)

Ready to join forces and show the robots who's boss (while still being nice to them, of course)?