Get Your Custom AI Course Assistant Up and Running in Just 3 Weeks

Your Students Will Think You Never Sleep

(spoiler alert: you will)

Is this you?

You’re an established course creator with a clear teaching framework, but…

  • You're drowning in student questions before you can even say "please refer to the syllabus"

  • Your to-do list for course updates is longer than a CVS receipt

  • The phrase "work-life balance" makes you laugh... and then cry a little

    Don't worry, you're not alone. And I’ve got something just this side of magic up my sleeve for you.

Introducing: The 3-Week AI Accelerator

Tired of AI giving you the heebie-jeebies? Of worrying it might mess with your teaching style or come off as inauthentic?

I get it! I had those same thoughts!

But what if it could be your secret weapon? In 3 weeks, we'll build your perfect AI teaching partner.

Beta Group Special: $997

(60% off the full program price of $2,497!)

What's Included in Your 3-Week AI Accelerator?

For just $997, you're getting a VIP pass to the AI party (but a comfy-cozy party. Dress code: sweatpants and more dry shampoo than you’d care to admit). Here's what's in your goodie bag:

  1. Your Very Own AI Course Buddy ($3,500 value)

    • Basic Q&A functionality trained on YOUR course content

    • We'll hook it up to one major course platform

  2. AI-Powered Content Creation Toolkit ($1,500 value)

    • Course outline generator (because staring at a blank page is so last season)

    • Basic quiz creator (to keep your students on their toes)

  3. 3-Week AI Mastery Program ($2,000 value)

    • Weekly video lessons (binge-worthy content, guaranteed)

    • Live group coaching calls (where we turn "AI say what?" into "AI, heck yeah!")

    • Hands-on exercises (no dusty textbooks here)

  4. Integration Support ($500 value)

    • Email-based support for a month (I promise not to leave you on read)

    • Basic setup guide (in case you're more "tech-curious" than "tech-savvy")

Total Value: $7,500

Your Investment: Only $997

But wait, there's more! (Always wanted to say that)

When the full AI-Powered Course Creator Package launches, you'll get access to the complete version at no extra cost. That's a future $2,497 value! Think of it as your reward for being an early adopter (and for putting up with my beta-version jokes).

The Cherry on Top

If you don't save at least 5 hours per week on course management and student support tasks within the first month of implementing your AI assistant, I'll give you your money back. Because I’m that confident.

Here's the deal:

Small and Mighty Squad

We're keeping it intimate - just a handful of awesome creators like you. It's like a secret club, but without the weird handshakes.

Learn by Doing (No Snoozing Allowed)

Forget boring theory. We're diving in headfirst. By week 2, you'll be so good at this, you'll be dreaming of algorithms. (Kidding, maybe.)

Your AI, Your Voice

In just 3 weeks, you'll have your own AI assistant that actually sounds like YOU. No robot speak, promise. Unless you naturally talk like a robot, in which case... carry on.

I'm in the Trenches With You

I'm building this program using the exact same AI tricks I'm teaching you. Talk about practicing what you preach!

By the End of Our 3-Week Adventure, You'll:

  1. Have a 24/7 support system for your students (no cloning required)

  2. Crank out course content faster than a cat video goes viral

  3. Customize your AI to crack jokes that actually land (results may vary)

  4. Feel like an AI wizard (pointy hat not included, but encouraged)

This Course is Perfect for You If:

  • You're an established course creator with a clear teaching framework

  • You’re equal parts excited and terrified about AI

  • You want to give your students amazing support without burning out

  • You're ready to join a group of fellow creators who get your struggles

  • You've ever wished for a clone (this is the next best thing, promise)

Frequently Asked Questions (or "Things You Really Wanna Know But Are Too Polite to Ask”)

AI still kinda freaks me out. I'm worried about it taking over my job. Should I be?

I hear you, and it's a valid concern. But here's the deal: AI is a tool, not a replacement. This program is all about making AI work FOR you, enhancing what you do best. We’re creating a super-powered assistant, not training your replacement.

Will AI make my course sound robotic and impersonal?

Absolutely not! We're teaching AI to enhance your voice, not replace it. Think of it as giving your personality a megaphone, not a muzzle.

How much time do I need to commit to this program?

We're packing a lot into 3 weeks, but I promise it won't take over your life. Plan for about 3-4 hours per week, including our live calls. That's less time than you spend scrolling TikTok! (Or, let’s get real… Instagram Reels. It’s okay to admit you’re a millennial.)

What if I fall behind?

Life happens, I get it. You'll have access to all materials for an additional month after the program ends. Plus, I'm here to support you – no student left behind!

Is this just another "get rich quick with AI" scheme?

Nope! This is a "work smarter, not harder" reality. We're focusing on practical, ethical ways to use AI to enhance your course and support your students. No get-rich-quick promises here – just real tools for real educators.

What makes this different from other AI courses?

Two words: Personalization and ethics. I’m not here to get you a PhD in AI; I’mhelping you create an AI assistant that sounds like YOU.

Plus, I’m big on using AI ethically and keeping the human touch in education.

Still on the Fence?

“But I’m not techy enough for this…”

I assure you, you are. If you can order pizza online, you’re techy enough for this.

"Will this really save me time?"

Does coffee make mornings bearable? (That's a big, fat yes.)

"What if my AI assistant is cooler than me?"

Impossible. Your AI will be an extension of you, just with better memory and no need for sleep. So... okay, maybe it will be a little cooler.

A Cozy Group

I'm keeping this beta group small and mighty - just 10 awesome course creators who are ready to dive into the AI adventure together. Why? Because I want to give each of you my full attention and support as we navigate this new territory.

If you're feeling that spark of excitement (mixed with a dash of "what am I getting myself into?"), then you might be one of the 10 I'm looking for. No pressure, but when these spots are gone, they're gone - and I'd hate for you to miss out on this chance to be at the forefront of AI in online education.